What is Web Application Security: Threats & Best Practices

What is Web Application Security: Threats & Best Practices

What is Web Application Security: Threats & Best Practices

Oct 11, 2024


In today’s app-driven world, as a developer, you're constantly tasked with building secure applications that power everything from remote work and banking to entertainment and shopping. This growing reliance on apps means they're prime targets for attackers who exploit vulnerabilities such as design flaws, weak APIs, issues with open-source code, third-party components, and poor access control.

Now more than ever, robust application security web measures are critical. The internet’s global reach exposes your web applications and APIs to a wide range of threats, with attacks varying in both scale and complexity. To keep up with these evolving risks, application security web protocols need to adapt continuously. Strengthening application security web practices will help you, as a developer, protect the software supply chain, secure your systems, and build applications users can trust.

What is Web Application Security?

Web application security solutions focus on safeguarding websites, applications, and APIs from cyberattacks. It aims to ensure that web applications run protected while shielding businesses from data breaches and their adverse impacts. 

Every business with an online presence relies on web applications in some form. The primary reason for prioritizing web application security is to safeguard the sensitive information customers and clients have entrusted to the company. 

If an attacker manages to delete, alter, or steal sensitive data, it could trigger a significant backlash. A damaged reputation resulting from a cyberattack can be incredibly difficult to rebuild, as clients and partners may lose trust in such a business. For instance, a security breach rocked SolarWinds in 2020, a company that develops enterprise IT and cybersecurity software. The hackers leveraged security loopholes and 18000+ users downloaded the infected software. 

Seezo.io is your go-to platform for security design reviews for every feature your company builds!

Top 9 Common Web Application Threats (+Measures)

Web applications face a variety of security threats that can compromise sensitive data and disrupt services. These include attacks like cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), and many more. Strengthening web based application security is essential to mitigate these risks and protect both users and businesses from harm.

  1. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

    Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks inject malicious code or script into a website. As the website runs the script, the attacker steals sensitive user data, like cookies and session tokens or does other things.

    XSS attacks fall under two broad categories:

    1. Stored XSS attacks, and

    2. Reflective XSS attacks.

    Stored XSS attacks directly injects malicious code into a website. The code is stored and executed at a later stage. Reflective XSS attacks involve injecting and executing malicious code into a website. If successful, a cross-site scripting attack can steal user session IDs, deface a website, redirect users to other malicious sites and open the doors for phishing attacks.

    To reduce the risk of XSS attacks, consider the following measures:

    • Ensure proper validation of user inputs.

    • Apply output encoding techniques.

    • Use auto-sanitization libraries.

    • Enforce a content security policy.

  2. SQL Injection

    A SQL injection attack happens when an adverse actor inserts harmful code into a database via user input fields. This eventually leads to unauthorized access to confidential data or manipulation and deletion of information. For example, the attacker might be able to run commands like DROP TABLE or DROP DATABASE to damage the system.

    To reduce the risk of this type of attack, you can take the following measures:

    • Ensure user input is validated correctly.

    • Apply output encoding by converting special characters like < and > into their corresponding HTML entities to stop them from being treated as HTML code.

    • Whenever feasible, it is better to utilize parameterized queries or stored procedures instead of relying on dynamic SQL.

  3. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

    Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) is an attack where a user is deceived into executing an unintended action on a site where they are already logged in. It is typically done by embedding a malicious link or form within a site. When the unsuspecting user clicks the link/submits the form, the action is carried out without their consent, potentially resulting in data loss or unauthorized access to their account.

    To minimize the risk of CSRF attacks, consider the following measures:

    • Utilize the CSRF protections provided by the framework you are working with, if available.

    • Implement CSRF tokens - unique, random values tied to a user's session. These are included in forms or links to confirm the legitimacy of requests.

    • Enable SameSite cookies, which are only sent with requests originating from the same domain as the cookie’s source. This can prevent attackers from sending unauthorized requests on behalf of users, as they wouldn’t have access to the SameSite cookies.

  4. Security Misconfigurations

    This is among the most prevalent security risks in web applications. The vulnerability arises when developers and administrators neglect to change default settings like passwords, usernames, reference IDs, or error messages. Since default settings are often left as it is to simplify the user experience, they become easy targets for attackers. Once the website is live, the consequences of this oversight can be significant, potentially allowing access to admin privileges or even the entire database.

    To minimize the risk, consider the following measures:Regularly maintain and update all components of your web application, including firewalls, operating systems, servers, databases, and extensions.

    Ensure that default configurations are modified.

  5. DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service)

    A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is an aggressive effort to interfere with the regular traffic of a server, service, or network by flooding it with excessive internet traffic. These attacks are effective because they target numerous compromised systems to generate the attack traffic. The exploited devices can range from computers to other network-connected resources like IoT devices.

    For instance, a botnet can generate an overwhelming number of requests, which are spread across previously infected machines.

    To minimize the risk, consider the following multi-layered measures:

    • Start by managing the surge in traffic with tools like a Content Delivery Network (CDN), a load balancer, and scalable infrastructure.

    • Additionally, implement a Web Application Firewall (WAF) to protect against other hidden threats that may accompany the DDoS attack, such as injection attacks or XSS.

  6. XML External Entities (XXE)

    XML external entity injection (XXE) is a web security flaw that enables attackers to manipulate an application's handling of XML data. This vulnerability can allow attackers to access files on the server's filesystem or interact with back-end and external systems within the application's ambit. In certain cases, an attacker may exploit an XXE vulnerability to escalate the attack, potentially compromising the server or back-end infrastructure by executing server-side request forgery (SSRF) attacks.

    Manually identifying XXE vulnerabilities typically involves several measures:

    • Test for file retrieval by defining an external entity linked to a known operating system file, and incorporating that entity in data returned by the application’s response.

    • Check for blind XXE vulnerabilities by defining an external entity linked to a URL of a system under your control, then monitor any interactions with that system. Tools like Burp Collaborator are ideal for this purpose.

    • Test for vulnerable inclusion of user-provided non-XML data in server-side XML documents by using an XInclude attack to attempt to retrieve a known operating system file.

  7. Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR)

    Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR) is a security vulnerability in web applications that happens when internal object identifiers, like database keys or file paths, are exposed to users without sufficient access controls.

    This flaw can allow attackers to manipulate these identifiers, granting them unauthorized access to sensitive information or enabling them to perform actions they shouldn't be allowed. IDOR vulnerabilities result from improper validation and authorization of user-supplied input, which lets attackers bypass access restrictions.

    To minimize the risk of IDOR attacks, consider the following measures:

    • Validate and sanitize user-supplied input. The input data must remove any unexpected characters or values.

    • Perform server-side validation to be safe since client-side validation is bypassable by a determined attacker.

    • Mapping indirect object references can mitigate IDOR vulnerabilities by separating user-provided identifiers from the internal object references used within the application.

    • Do not use guessable references for internal objects (like sequential numbers or easily guessable strings).

  8. Remote Code Execution (RCE)

    Remote Code Execution (RCE) attacks enable attackers to run arbitrary code on a server, resulting in complete system compromise and unauthorized access to sensitive information. These attacks can be carried out in various ways, such as injecting harmful code via user input fields or exploiting vulnerabilities in code libraries.The impact of a successful RCE attack can range from Denial of Service (DoS) and data breaches to illicit cryptocurrency mining and malware execution.

    Here are some measures for staying safe from RCE attacks:

    • Sanitize all user input thoroughly.

    • Implement secure memory management, as attackers can exploit flaws like buffer overflows. Regularly scanning your applications for security vulnerabilities will help identify memory-related weaknesses that attackers could target.

    • Keep your operating system and third-party software updated to ensure you have the latest security patches.

    • Limit an attacker's lateral movement within your network by using network segmentation, enforcing strict access controls, and adopting a zero-trust security approach.

  9. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Misconfiguration

    Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a security mechanism that enables a web server to define which domains are permitted to access its resources. However, when CORS has an improper configuration, it can grant attackers access to restricted resources from a separate origin, potentially exposing sensitive data through unauthorized services.

    For example, consider an application that permits cross-domain requests from any domain. It is possible to create a script and send a request to the app. The request is then executed from the attacker's domain. If the application fails to verify the request's origin properly, it could grant the attacker's domain access to its resources.

    Source: Link

    Here are some key measures to mitigate the risk of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) misconfiguration vulnerabilities:

    Proper Configuration of CORS Headers

    • Ensure the server has the right configured to handle CORS requests by setting the appropriate response headers to control access from different domains.

    • Specify the exact allowed domains in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header instead of using a wildcard (*). This prevents unauthorized access from malicious domains.

    • Enable Access-Control-Allow-Credentials only when necessary. If the site doesn't require authenticated AJAX requests, disable this header or set it to false to prevent potential leakage of sensitive information.

    Limit Allowed Domains

    • Only allow trusted, whitelisted sites in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. Dynamically reflecting origins from cross-origin requests without validation is readily exploitable and should be avoided.

    • Avoid whitelisting null as the origin. Cross-origin resource calls from internal documents and sandboxed requests can specify the null origin.

    • Do not use wildcards (*) to allow all subdomains, especially for internal networks. The protection of internal resources cannot be achieved just by trusting network setup, as internal browsers can still access untrusted external domains.

    Implement Proper Server-side Security

    • Although it defines browser behaviors, server-side security of sensitive data is always preferable than CORS protection. Any trusted origin can be directly forged by an attacker. In addition to correctly configured CORS, web servers should continue to use safeguards against sensitive data, such as session management and authentication.

    • Avoid dynamically reflecting origins from cross-origin requests without validation. This is readily exploitable and should be avoided.

Web Application Security Best Practices at a Glance 

By adopting best practices for web application security, organizations can significantly reduce vulnerabilities and protect sensitive data. Below are key strategies that can help fortify web applications against potential attacks. 

  • Create a Web Application Threat Model

    Developing a web application threat model involves identifying potential vulnerabilities along with attack vectors specific to your application. This proactive approach allows teams to understand the security landscape and prioritize defenses accordingly. By mapping out potential risks, organizations can implement targeted security measures and enhance their overall security posture.

    At Seezo.io, we take threat modeling a step ahead by offering an automated, scalable solution that reduces the complexity and time involved in the process. Unlike traditional models that require extensive manual input and documentation, Seezo streamlines threat modeling using GenAI. Seezo accepts documentation such as JIRA tickets, Google documents and architecture diagrams to come up with threats and associated security requirements to avoid the threats being introduced.

  • Sort Applications in Priority Buckets

    Prioritizing applications based on their criticality and sensitivity helps organizations allocate resources effectively. By categorizing applications into priority buckets—such as high, medium, and low risk—teams can focus on securing the most critical systems first. This strategic approach ensures that security efforts align with business objectives and that high-risk applications receive the attention they require.

    The best part about Seezo.io is that it also helps you come up with priority buckets for the features that are being built!

  • Find and Analyze App Vulnerabilities

    Regularly scanning and analyzing web applications for vulnerabilities is crucial for maintaining security. Automated tools, such as static and dynamic application security testing (SAST and DAST), can help identify weaknesses in code and configuration. Additionally, manual code reviews and penetration testing can uncover hidden vulnerabilities. By continuously assessing applications, organizations can stay ahead of potential threats.

  • Fix Critical and High Vulnerabilities

    Once vulnerabilities are detected, it is essential to prioritize and remediate critical and high-risk issues promptly. Establishing a clear process for patch management and vulnerability remediation ensures that security gaps are addressed before they can be exploited. Regular updation of software and application of security patches is vital to maintain a strong security posture and protect sensitive data.

  • Execute Input Validation

    Input validation is a basic security practice that helps prevent various attacks, including SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). By validating and sanitizing user inputs, applications can ensure that only acceptable data is processed. Implementing strict validation rules and employing whitelisting techniques can significantly reduce the risk of malicious input and enhance overall application security.

  • Employ Up-to-Date Encryption

    Using up-to-date encryption protocols is critical for protecting sensitive data both in transit and at rest. Employing strong encryption algorithms, such as AES for data storage and TLS for data transmission, helps safeguard information from unauthorized access. Regularly reviewing and updating encryption practices ensures that organizations remain compliant with industry standards and effectively protect user data against evolving threats.

Effective Web Application Security Tools

Ensuring the security of your application security web systems is crucial for protecting sensitive data and maintaining system integrity. Various security tools can help detect vulnerabilities and prevent attacks. Below are some essential tools used to safeguard application security web platforms.

  1. Threat Modeling

    Threat modeling tools play a crucial role in strengthening web application security by identifying potential vulnerabilities early in the development process. These tools help teams visualize and assess potential threats, allowing them to prioritize security measures and prevent attacks before they occur. In short, threat modeling enhances a web application's overall security by integrating risk management into the design phase.

  2. Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

    SAST scans an application’s source code to identify vulnerabilities before deployment. It helps developers find and fix security flaws early in the development process.

  3. Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

    DAST analyzes running applications for vulnerabilities, such as weak authentication or input validation flaws. It simulates external attacks to identify potential security risks.

  4. Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST)

    IAST combines elements of both SAST and DAST by testing applications in real time while they run. It provides developers with detailed insights into vulnerabilities found during execution. As part of this process, threat modeling can be integrated to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities early in the development lifecycle. By anticipating attack vectors and understanding the application's architecture, threat modeling enhances the effectiveness of IAST by focusing on critical security risks that need to be tested during runtime.

  5. Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP)

    RASP protects applications from within by monitoring and blocking threats in real time. It identifies suspicious behavior during the execution of an application, offering an additional layer of security.

  6. Web Application Firewall (WAF)

    A WAF monitors and filters HTTP traffic between a web application and the internet. It blocks malicious requests and helps defend against threats like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and DDoS attacks.

Continuous Monitoring and Automated Testing

Continuous monitoring and automated testing are essential in maintaining the security of web applications. These methods help detect vulnerabilities early, ensuring quick response and mitigation. Below are key practices to strengthen security through monitoring and automation.

  1. Virtual Patching

    Virtual patching provides immediate protection by intercepting malicious traffic before a permanent patch is applied. It helps reduce the risk of exploits when a patch isn't available.

  2. Automated Scanning

    Automated scanning tools consistently check web applications for vulnerabilities. These tools run regularly to identify potential risks, ensuring quick remediation and protection against new threats.

  3. Penetration Testing

    Penetration testing simulates real-world attacks to identify security weaknesses. It allows businesses to uncover vulnerabilities before malicious actors do, ensuring proactive protection.

  4. Application Retirement Strategies

    Retiring outdated or unused applications is essential for minimizing security risks. Application retirement strategies prevent legacy systems from becoming entry points for attackers.

  5. Data Validation

    Proper data validation ensures that only safe, expected data is processed by an application. It helps prevent vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting.

  6. Log Forensics

    Log forensics involves analyzing logs to detect unusual behavior or security incidents. It helps trace and understand the nature of attacks, enabling better defense mechanisms in the future.

What are Some Advanced Security Strategies?

By adopting advanced strategies, organizations can enhance authentication, monitor API usage, and maintain secure logging practices. This section explores key techniques for strengthening application security. These techniques are essential for strengthening application security web systems and protecting them from evolving threats.

  1. Enhanced Authentication and Authorization

Implement strong authentication mechanisms, such as password hashing and salting, to safeguard user credentials. Regularly review and update authorization policies to ensure appropriate access control. 

  1. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

There should be multiple forms of authentication, such as passwords, biometrics, or one-time codes, to verify user identity. MFA minimizes the risk of unauthorized access in case of compromised credentials. 

  1. Track API Usage

Monitor and log API requests to detect suspicious activity. Analyze usage patterns to identify potential abuse or misuse. Implement rate limiting and throttling to prevent API-based attacks.

  1. Use Version Control Systems

Version control systems are the best option to manage changes in application code and configurations. Regularly review commit logs and monitor for unauthorized modifications. Implement access controls to restrict write permissions. 

  1. Error Handling and Secure Logging

Implement robust error handling mechanisms to avoid exposing sensitive information in error messages. Ensure that logs do not contain sensitive data and are properly secured. Regularly review logs for signs of suspicious activity. 

Conclusive Thoughts

To end with, securing application security web systems is crucial to protecting sensitive data and maintaining trust with users. Threat modeling is a proactive approach that helps identify potential security issues early in the software development lifecycle (SDLC), particularly during the requirements phase of any web application. By focusing on security from the outset, organizations can address vulnerabilities before they become costly problems later in the development process.

Implementing advanced strategies such as enhanced authentication, continuous data validation, and log forensics also strengthens the overall security posture. By staying proactive and continuously updating security measures, businesses can minimize risks, defend against attacks, and ensure the long-term safety of their applications.

Seezo.io provides advanced security testing solutions that help organizations come up with security requirements for every feature the engineering team builds in the design phase itself.


Book a demo today and see how signing up with Seezo.io can help you identify and mitigate vulnerabilities before they become a problem.